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Keeping Your Cat Cool in the Summer

May 1, 2024
Summer is just around the corner.  As the weather warms up, pet owners will need to take precautions to protect their furry friends from the heat. Continue reading to discover valuable advice from a local Smyrna, GA veterinarian on safeguarding your beloved cat from the dangers of heat stroke. What Are The Signs Of Overheating In Kitties? Cats are particularly vulnerable to overheating. Fluffy’s ability to regulate her body temperature is limited. Panting is not very effective for her, and she can only release heat through her paw pads. Plus, she has a fur coat on! Being aware of the warning signs is crucial. Panting is usually the first thing people notice. Unlike dogs, cats typically do not pant. Therefore, if you notice a cat panting, it is a cause for concern. Drooling is another one. Cats typically do not drool, although they may occasionally dribble a small amount while they are sleeping. This is yet another sign that something is amiss. Restlessness is another thing to watch for. When Fluffy becomes overheated, she may exhibit signs of restlessness by pacing or continuously walking around. She might also appear fidgety or unsettled. You may notice your pet having trouble breathing. Cats that are overheated may experience difficulty breathing due to respiratory distress. Your pet’s breathing may appear shallow, gasping, or otherwise abnormal. vomiting or diarrhea can also indicate heat stress, especially when accompanied by other symptoms. Unusual Vocalizations are another red flag. While certain cats are undeniably more chatty than others, the majority have a typical voice or meow pattern. When cats are feeling hot or distressed, they may express their discomfort by meowing urgently and in a distressed manner. Disorientation is an indicator as well. Fluffy may exhibit signs of confusion, appearing disoriented and distressed. Her movements may appear unsteady, with a tendency to trip or lose balance while walking. Then there is lethargy. We understand that cats tend to spend the majority of their time relaxing and taking it easy. On the other hand, if your pet appears to lack energy, is unresponsive, or seems physically feeble, it’s a sign that she’s not simply resting. other important signs to watch out for include a red tongue, discolored gums, muscle tremors, seizures, collapsing, decreased urine production, and coma If you notice any of these signs, contact your Smyrna, GA veterinarian or the nearest emergency clinic without delay. How Do I Know If It’s Too Hot For Cats? Typically, whenever the temperature exceeds 80F (or 26C), it becomes uncomfortably warm for Fluffy. When the temperature goes up above 90F (32C), it becomes uncomfortably hot, and if it surpasses 100F (38C), it reaches a dangerously high level. What Are Some Ways To Help My Cat Stay Cool During Hot Weather? To be fair, dogs have a few more options here. If Fido gets hot, you can take him for a swim, let him enjoy a splash in a kiddie pool, or allow him to play in the refreshing spray from a hose. Obviously, none of these options are reasonable for cats. When it comes to cooling your kitty off, you’ll need to try some other things. Here are some options: Make sure your feline friend stays properly hydrated First and foremost, it’s important to ensure that your cat always has an ample supply of water. It’s a good idea to have additional water bowls available, especially if you have multiple cats or if your home has multiple levels. On hot days, drop an ice cube into your kitty’s dish. Additionally, you may want to consider offering your cat the option of drinking from a kitty fountain. Let  Your Kitty Play Pawkey Does your cat ever play with ice cubes? Not only will this be enjoyable for your cat, but it’s also a great way to keep her cool. Kittens use their adorable little toe beans to help regulate their body temperature. Give Your Cat A Cooling Mat Many pet stores offer a wide range of products specifically designed for this purpose. Another option is to store a couple of towels in the freezer and place them on Fluffy’s bed. Cold Kitty Snacks On a scorching day, people and even feline friends alike can’t resist the allure of a refreshing icy treat. Here are some options you can provide for your beloved pet:
  • Store your cat’s canned food in the refrigerator to provide a refreshing meal for your furry friend.
  • Give Fluffy a bowl of sodium-free broth. This is a great choice for hydration, as it contains electrolytes.
  • Combine plain, fat-free yogurt with canned or shredded tuna, chicken, turkey, crabmeat, or fish. Divide into smaller rations and freeze. (Hint: Bottlecaps can be used to measure these quantities.)
  • Portion out some canned cat food and freeze it. It might be helpful to dilute pate formula foods with water to achieve a smoother consistency.
  • Pour some tuna or salmon juice over crushed or shaved ice.
  • Get your furry friend lickable treats and keep them in the fridge or freezer.
Offer Fluffy A Cozy Bed (Or Ten) Cats are really good at discovering cozy places to take a nap. Make sure your cat has access to rooms that are cooled by fans or air conditioners, allowing her to find a comfortable spot. Don’t be surprised to find Fluffy lounging on the cool kitchen or bathroom tiles, or perhaps even seeking refuge in the basement. Tile floors provide a cool surface that can help keep Fluffy comfortable, especially during hot weather. Consider getting your pet a hammock or raised bed. You can buy them, or create your own by simply attaching a piece of fabric to the legs of a table. These beds tend to stay cool, as they allow for airflow beneath them. Pamper Your Pet Grooming your cat can also help. Our beloved feline companions are typically quite diligent when it comes to maintaining their appearance. That doesn’t mean that Fluffy won’t appreciate some help. Brushing your cat helps remove dead fur, dust, and dander from her coat. These things can cause kitties to feel itchy and uncomfortable. If My Cat Seems Overheated, What Should I Do? If you believe your cat is overheating, take immediate action. It is important to ensure that your pet receives proper veterinary care, while also taking necessary measures to help Fluffy cool down. Avoid immersing her in cold water, as it could potentially cause her to go into shock. She can be held in front of a freezer. Another option is to position her in front of a fan and gently spray her with water. Make sure to reach out to your veterinarian for guidance and obtain detailed instructions.   Conclusion: Cats can struggle with the heat during the summer. Pet owners will need to take a few precautions to keep their feline pals comfy, cool, and purring. Schedule An Appointment With Your Smyrna, GA Veterinarian Do you need any information or advice regarding your cat’s health or care? Does your cat need a check-up? Get in touch with us, your Smyrna, GA  pet clinic, right away!

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