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7 Cute Ways To Celebrate National Puppy Day

March 15, 2019
National Puppy Day is coming up March 23rd! Puppies are definitely something to celebrate. Those furry faces, adorable antics, affectionate smooches, and playful antics are truly precious, and can really melt our hearts. Fido is cute at any age, but it’s wonderful to watch him grow from a fuzzy, clumsy toddler into a lovable, healthy adult dog. Read on as a local Marietta, GA vet lists some super cute ways to celebrate National Puppy Day.


Toys are definitely pretty high on the list of things that puppies love. They also provide little Fido with activity and mental stimulation, which are great for his mental and physical health. Pick up a new plaything for your four-legged pal, and then spend some time playing with him.


Dogs love exploring. Little Fido is very curious about the world, and loves sniffing new shrubs and patches of grass. Take your furry friend for a fun trip to a dog park. Or, visit a pet-friendly store or café and get him a yummy treat.


Nothing gets that cute tail going like a yummy snack! This is a special occasion, so indulge little Fido with something he’ll really love. Plain, cooked meat, fish, or poultry without the skin, bones, or fat is always a good option. You can also give your pooch a little bacon, cheese, or sausage, though in general you should limit these fattening treats.


Dogs are cute at any age, but they’re especially adorable when they’re young. Take some cute photos of your canine buddy!


Socialization is crucial to your cute pet’s mental and emotional development. It’s very important for little Fido to make lots of friends while he’s young. Host a puppy party, and invite friends with gentle, friendly dogs. Or, enroll the little guy in doggy daycare.


It’s important to spend quality time with your canine pal every day. Work on little Fido’s obedience training, or show him some cute tricks.

Cuddle Time

At the end of the day, just relax and enjoy some cuddle time with your adorable pet. Offer your fuzzy buddy lots of belly rubs and ear scritches, so he feels loved. Time spent with dogs is never wasted! Please contact us, your Marietta, GA vet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We are here for you!

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